Human services professional turned
UX/UI Designer and Researcher
UX/UI Designer and UX Researcher
Identifying Participants
I crafted a screener survey that AllTheRooms sent to all of their users. One of our goals was to see how new users and engaged users differed in their flows. This how we defined users:
New Users
User for less than 1 month
Engaged User
have subscription ​
visited the site at least 1x/month
Screener Survey
In the screener survey, I included questions about profiles and experience to get an idea of who investors are. Next were questions that would define them as new or engaged users. Then followed the minimum requirements, making sure they could have a conversation in English about AllTheRooms, they have a desktop with internet and that they were okay with talking about AllTheRooms while being recorded.
User Profiles
Experience: Short Term Rentals
have no experience renting out property(s) on a short-term basis
Experience: AllTheRooms
have used AllTheRooms for about 1 month or less
had a subscription
Frequency of Use
use AllTheRooms at least one time per week.
Recruiting Users: Incentive
AllTheRooms offered users a choice of incentive for participating in user interviews that would last up to 60 minutes. Users could choose between a $50 Amazon Gift Card or a 6-month premium subscription to AllTheRooms for couple of different areas they were interested in studying. Everyone chose the premium subscription.