Human services professional turned
UX/UI Designer and Researcher
UX/UI Designer and UX Researcher
1. Identify Use Cases
First, I identified use cases by defining who the users are by defining:
what their goal(s) is in using AllTheRooms
where are they in their investment process.
At first, I simply created a simple list to identify the user.
Identifying information has been censored to protect participants' privacy.
Once I completed the user flow analysis and the analysis of each step of the user flow, I was able to flesh out the profile of each user to create personas. In other words, I actually created the personas after doing all three analyses, but considering the flow of the case study, it makes sense to put them here.
2. User Flow Analysis
Because we chose to use an unmoderated user testing strategy, we were able to observe how users naturally navigate the platform. In order to determine the each user's flow, I filled out a spreadsheet, indicating which activities the user participated in, if they struggled and in what order they participated in each activity.
Results from User Flow Analysis
Constraint: I didn't have access to the analytics. While determining the steps of the flow, Roxana, my counterpart at AllTheRooms, was confirming our results with the analytics she has access to. Using analytics, she could confirm the first three steps in each flow.
By breaking down how the user navigates the platform, we observed that there were two jobs for which the user employed AllTheRooms: market analysis and property analysis.
Market Analysis Flow
Macro Level Research
Focusing on how many bedrooms, and geographical area.
Questions Answered
What to invest in?
Where to invest?
How much revenue could I make?
Property Analysis Flow
Micro Level Research
Focusing on closest properties
Questions Answered
How does a property compare to the 5-10 closest properties in the area?
How much revenue could I make?
Investors and property owners
Only potential investors participated in the last step, enter data into spreadsheet.
3. Analyze Steps of Flow
The goal of analyzing the flow steps was to determine what users valued most and where there was friction and pain points.
Affinity Map: By User and Step of Flow
After interviewing participants, I transcribed their interviews and put each thought on a separate virtual post-it note using Miro. That is, I quoted what the user said and put their words on the post-it notes. Then, as a team, we summarized quotes in our own words. The summary remained on the post-it note and put quote as a comment on the post-it. We then organized the post-it notes first, by user, according to which flow and which step the post-it corresponded to.
The board with black header defines each step. The other boards represent each user.
Affinity Map: By Step of Flow
Then, I compiled post-it notes for each step of the flow. The boards represents steps of the flow. The post-its on the left of each board are for the Market Analysis Flow and the post-its on the right are for the Property Analysis Flow. If there are no post-it notes, that means that that step wasn't part of that flow.